(813) 237-3781

Other Services

Drainage Plans

As a part of the permitting process for single-family residences, local municipalities are increasingly requiring the submittal of engineer-certified drainage plans.
EEC permitted the new water line


Let EEC evaluate your site’s erosion or sedimentation problems before they threaten your structures, roadways or drainage. EEC will perform an inspection…
EEC new water line

Flood Plain Mitigation

As a part of the drainage design process, regulatory authorities require flood plain mitigation, or compensation for when fill is placed within the flood plain.
nature preserve in Graeme Hall, Barbados

Formal/Informal Wetland Delineation, Mitigation

During the permitting of both residential and commercial development projects, environmental regulatory agencies may…
nature preserve in Graeme Hall, Barbados

Construction Monitoring (Bank Loan Oversight)

When development projects are funded by a construction bank loan, the institution may require oversight to ensure funds are being deployed…

No-rise certificate

When development projects are proposed in floodways, the permitting agencies may require submittal of a “No-Rise Certificate,” which is a determination…

Services for Legal Disputes

EEC is experienced in acting on behalf of property owners who are involved in legal disputes. These cases are typically associated with drainage considerations…