“Thank you for your recent environmental engineering expertise and timely response in the case of the down town Tampa high rise. The quick response by Environmental Engineering Consultants and your ability to assess the situation with a concise written report allowed the owners to properly educate all tenants that certain work being performed within the building parking garage did not introduce an environmental risk to any occupant of the building. As I look back over the 20 years of service Environmental Engineering Consultants has performed, including full environmental assessments to asbestos reports, it is with great appreciation that no matter what the outcome EEC approached the situation with the highest level of professionalism and with the ability to introduce solutions to any environmental problem.
Thank you for your service and I look forward to a continued relationship with EEC for years to come.”
“Thanks again for being a wonderful resource in the environmental world and I certainly hope we will have more opportunities to work together this year.”
“Thank you for being a great service provider to Draper Laboratory! … We are very pleased with the support and quality of work your team has been providing us.”
“As a small manufacturer of hazardous chemicals, we have faced an increasing load of regulatory compliance and monitoring. With each challenge, EEC has worked with us in reaching the most reasonable, cost-effective solution. I would recommend his firm to any small business looking for a solutions-oriented, hands-on environmental consultant.”
“Our company was one of the first clients for Environmental Engineering when they opened their doors for business. . . . We are still getting personal attention and great service. The staff is extraordinarily helpful and creative in their problem-solving skills [and] continually working out ways to assist their clients.”
“Thank you for the excellent job done by your company in assisting us in completing our wastewater project. The system is working well and we are most satisfied with the overall design and regulatory compliance. . . . We appreciate your personal efforts in this work.”
“I sincerely appreciate all your time and help.”
“The importance of ‘Total Quality’ is the keystone of our firm’s commitment. Likewise, I can rely on the same level of service from Environmental Engineering Consultants, Inc. I would recommend their professional services to the project manager who is concerned with attention, economy, and performance.”
“I just wanted to express my complete satisfaction and gratitude for the professional manner in which you handled the Southwest Florida Water Management District permitting issue at our facility. [Our company] continues to benefit from the quality of service you provide.”
“Environmental Engineering has the manpower and equipment to do many varied functions that can help your company in environmental compliance. Their knowledge of the laws is excellent, and their advice and recommendations are valued. Environmental Engineering Consultants will do a job quickly, properly, and safely. All contract jobs they have done for Murphy Oil USA, Inc. have been finished on budget and on time. Most importantly, Environmental Engineering is committed to excellence and service to their customers.”
“Thank you for the water testing, along with my great appreciation for your prompt response.”