(813) 237-3781

Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasure Plan (SPCC

Federal regulation requires facilities storing certain volume of petroleum on –site to develop spill prevention plans. EEC will work with the facility to develop the plans, which require a litany of site-specific information. If you are curious as to whether you facility qualifies under this regulation, please reach out. EEC has developed plans for a variety of industrial clients, as well as to a local municipality.

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nature preserve in Graeme Hall, Barbados

Four Animal Food Manufacturing Facilities across the US

EEC was retained by horse feed manufacturer to develop SPCC plans at each of their four facilities across the U.S. EEC visited each site…
nature preserve in Graeme Hall, Barbados

City of Tampa facilities

EEC provides SPCC plans/services to the City of Tampa. Currently there are over 10 facilities with SPCC plans developed by EEC. EEC coordinates wastewater, water, solid waste departments…
nature preserve in Graeme Hall, Barbados

SPCC review and approval by P.E.

EEC works with energy company to review SPCC plans developed in-house. Following thorough review of plan and adjustments as needed, EEC provides required certification by professional engineer.