Projects: Environmental Assessment

Project: Service Dog Training Facility
Scope of Work: Environmental Site Assessment
In 2011, EEC was contracted by a private company to perform a Phase I and Phase II Environmental Site Assessment on 12 acres of property in Manatee County. Areas on the property were investigated using test pits, soil sampling and groundwater sampling. These field investigations were performed to address the recognized environmental conditions presented in a previous Environmental Site Assessment prepared by EEC. The laboratory results from samples were compared to the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) standardized levels for cleanup targets. The property had previously been a fish farm in the 1960’s-1980’s, and was currently being used as a cattle pasture. The material used to fill-in the fish farm ponds was of concern. To further monitor the property, temporary wells were installed using hydraulic methods and equipment. The information gathered was utilized by the client as part of their pre-buy due diligence.
Project: Non-Profit Organization Land Acquisition
Scope of Work: Environmental Site Assessment
A non-profit organization retained EEC to perform a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment on an 8 acre residential/commercial property located in Lake City, Florida. Consisting mostly of forest land, EEC was able to determine through historic sources that the property was once used as a residence. These sources also confirmed evidence of historic illegal dumping on the property. While no indication of recent dumping was observed, EEC inspected the property. However, no stained soil stressed vegetation or hazardous substances were observed on-site. Based on the findings of no Recognized Environmental Conditions (REC), the client was able to fulfill its charitable goals for the property which included construction of low income housing for needy veterans.

Project: Commercial Light Industrial Property – Pinellas Park
Scope of Work: Environmental Site Assessment
EEC was retained by a property development firm looking to acquire a 23 acre industrial property in Pinellas Park, FL. The property consists of various commercial/industrial suites that can be leased to businesses. The site had been the subject of various environmental assessments and concerns in the past, due to the possibility of a previous property owner reportedly having dumped industrial wastewater, the possibility of buried debris including drums of acid, and potential soil impact from a previous lead smelter. To assess the environmental health of the site for our client, EEC performed a thorough document review, a total of four groundwater samples, one surface water sample, four exploratory soil borings, and an extensive geo-physical (ground penetrating radar) search. Due to the short nature of the transaction, the project was completed in a timely manner. The final report was delivered to the client within 1.5 months of receiving authorization to proceed with sampling. As sampling results were received, EEC worked with the client to alter the scope of work to hone in on potential issues and make the project more cost effective. After receiving the final report, the client was able to purchase the industrial property knowing he had performed his “due diligence”. The developer hopes to add more units to the site to make it more profitable for his firm.
Project: Automotive Sales Lot
Scope of Work: Environmental Site Assessment
EEC was contracted by a lender to perform Phase I Site Assessment at an automotive sales lot in New Port Richey. A Phase I site assessment ensures that an environmental database search has been done, as well as a local records review and review of relevant state and municipal documents, a review of aerial photographs, site reconnaissance and interviews. After this research it is decided whether the Property contains a “Recognized Environmental Condition.” Soil, groundwater and other site-specific testing is not included in the scope of work for a Phase I ESA. This type of testing would normally be performed during a Phase II assessment if the results/conclusion of the site inspection indicate that further testing is necessary. Should this become the case, a separate quote for continuing services would be issued at that time.
The Property was in good condition, and did not show signs of environmental issues typical to an auto lot (oil staining, cracked battery casings, debris). The owners were diligent in storing and disposing of hazardous substance, which included used car batteries, used brake fluid, used power steering fluid, waterproofing material and degreaser.

Project: Pinellas Park Restaurant Phase I
Scope of Work: Environmental Site Assessment
EEC was contracted by a lender to perform a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment at a restaurant in Pinellas Park. A Phase I site assessment entails an environmental database search, a local records review, a review of relevant state and municipal documents, a review of aerial photographs, site reconnaissance and interviews. A determination is made regarding whether the Property contains a “Recognized Environmental Condition” per ASTM E-1527-13″
The restaurant was found to be in good condition, and the Property was recently developed. The extensive parking lot drained into a large drainage pond on the west side of the Property, and no issues were observed. Used grease from the restaurant is stored in a tank indoors, and pumped into a tanker truck through a connection located outside the facility. Other hazardous materials, such as cleaning chemicals and degreasers, were also found to be stored properly.
Phase I assessments involving property transactions are generally extremely time sensitive due to closing deadlines. EEC was able to complete the assessment for the purchasing firm well ahead of the deadline, preventing any headaches.

Project: Commercial Building Site Assessment
Scope of Work: Environmental Site Assessment
EEC was retained by a firm looking to perform Phase I site assessments on two properties in City of Largo. One property was a drug-testing lab, while the other was the administrative building of the same company.
The purpose of an assessment is to make a reasonable inquiry into a property’s condition by third party analysis, in order to provide a lender with a certain level of assurance concerning environmental integrity. The specific objectives of the assessment are as follows:
- Determine the potential for, or actual storage of, any hazardous materials on the subject property from past or present activities;
- Determine if the grounds surrounding the Subject Property reveal any visible indication of current or past improper chemical use or spillage;
- Determine if the subject property is currently listed on any county, state or federal environmental tracking or enforcement lists;
- Determine if surrounding properties which might impact the subject property are currently listed on any county, state or federal environmental tracking or enforcement lists;
- Determine the location and type (e.g. monitoring, potable, irrigation, etc.) of any groundwater wells on the subject property and,
- Determine if any petroleum storage tanks are currently in use on the Subject Property, and/or the potential for prior tank installations based on available historic reference data. The standard report is in ASTM E1527-13 format.
The report is then packaged and delivered to the client. The Subject Properties were in spectacular working condition, and the current owners had taken care to keep high-tech equipment in the lab in tip-top shape. Primary concerns were the storage and disposal of possibly hazardous materials, and the possibility of soil contamination from nearby industrial clients. In both cases, the Properties were found to not have any environmental concerns.
EEC was also able to perform the task in an extremely economical manner; allowing for a discount due to the purchase of multiple assessments.