Project: Groundwater Remediation of Manufacturing Site
Scope of Work: Building Renovation
Soil Contamination Testing
Groundwater Recovery and Treatment System
EEC was retained to provide site engineering, permitting, and redesign of a manufacturing building into a smaller commercial warehouse, as well as a Ground Water Remediation system for the 1.65-acre site. Warehouse redesign which incorporated site re-development, ground water remediation treatment system with recharge basin, dedicated Fire Line installation, and land acquisition. The Site Development portion of this Project entailed off-site access, storm water, parking, landscaping, and ADA access design. EEC also provided a Demolition Plan to remove a portion of the existing warehouse to provide parking and access for truck traffic off a busy Arterial Street in Hillsborough County. To assist in the truck access design, (2) tracts of Land on the eastern property line of the project were purchased back from the County to be incorporated in the new access point design to assist in on-site traffic circulation.
Due to modifications in the new Florida Building Code a dedicated Fire Line placement for the building was required late in the construction phase of the project. To provide the required design within the limited time frame EEC turned all available resources to obtain the Right of Way Permit, required Easement documentation, Developers Agreements, Transfer of Ownership, coordination of construction activities and inspections to permit, construct, and obtain approval of the line on a fast track basis.
A network of seven groundwater recovery wells was installed to capture this water for treatment on-site. An on-site retention basin was provided to assist in off-site drainage for the site by hardened overflow structure. This design provided needed green space to assist the draw down of on-site ponding by means of percolation and provided the required 20% of land area reserved for landscaping per re-development requirements. The site was permitted by SWFWMD and Hillsborough Count
The site required remediation design for contaminants within the soil and ground water from past processes at the facility. A walled recharge basin and Ground Water Remediation System were designed to assist in the remediation process of the Site. Proposed remediation systems consists of a pump and treat system utilizing oxidation by ozone and hydrogen peroxide in a pressurized reaction tank, followed by an air stripper to polish off any VOCs, and strip any residual ozone that might be in the treated water. Treatment will be followed by discharge into an up gradient recharge basin.